I channel Nature * work with animals * I light heal.
I see my work not as ´work´, just like I see animals not as
´animals´. I ´see´ them as Source beings. I see their 'light'.
And I am simply here to share my gift. I channel. I light heal.
I work in a metaphysical and shamanic way with them
and use the energies from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs, homeopathy and more. To create a different
path to healing. A Source based one. As we are
all made from it. Feel free to read further...
I Channel, I heal
our inner light flow, our nature
Soul Communication with Animals
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
Sun of Mar
Sun of Mar
A Divinely Inspired Animal Practice
Lighthealing physical bodies & Energetic spirits
As I treat animals, as I heal, I attune to the ´frequencies´ of
their energy fields. In a (meta)physical and shamanic way
I use the energies from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs,
homeopathics and the animal's DNA. To create a
different path to healing & balance. A natural
source based one. Feel free to read further...
As we are nature, we connect
to the Source of all that is
The way our bodies and souls are
connected to the earth, the heavens
& the universe, how plants & flowers
are connected to trees & mush-
rooms, how the orchid forms are
connected to the heavens & angels
in their culmination of creation, and
how this together with the important
natural deposits of precious stones &
gems and coral reefs, represent
a higher level of interconnectedness.
Where nothing is seperate and where
everything works in relation to everything
Where all is manifested and created through the
form of exchanging energies. In line with our nature, our life energy flow. Through the form of emotions, motions, vibrations and sounds. Builders of these 'forms'
are the elemental energies in nature; the spirit beings of earth, water, fire and air. They fuel us with
the vital energies we need to feel alive.
Each elemental energy interweaves
to create and sustain all matter
on earth and maintain balance.
For those who are open to
explore ancient and new
pathways in healing, especially
those who are based upon the
natural, the (meta)physical & the
etherical. For those who have a
desire to do things differently,
where you don't exactly know what
to expect. Where seasonal rhythms,
shamanic wisdom and our multidimen-
sional nature enable us to connect. To
connect with more. More ´worlds´, other
worlds, our Supernatural worlds and
embrace the Spirits of Nature.
Feel welcome to contact
me. My practice is
here for your
animal and you..