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the Energy

of DNA

Animal Magnetism, used with the 'frequency' of the substance of the animals DNA, is called to be 'a modern form of Homeopathy', and can be used in case of allergies, skin issues/rashes, infections, respiratory issues, swellings, responses due to chemical exposure, and  more symptoms which disbalances the body.

Like every other organism, we have a specific resonant frequency, that surrounds us. A signature vibration. Like Dr. Hahnemann in the late 1700's was searching for medicine that had the same frequency as the disease and than matching the medicine's frequency to the same frequency as the patient, he was practising vibrational or frequency medicine. A tiny amount of 'problem causing substance' could be used to treat the problem.


Nowadays developments have been evolved in a way that we can do this process a lot quicker and more effective. 'Taking' the energy of a 'problem causing substance' and using it to create antidotal waveforms, resulting in energetic homeopathic remedies.


Some examples

We can use coughed up phlegm to provide a good sample for a respiratory issue. Puss from a wound to provide a good smaple for an infection remedy. A stool sample would likely provide a good signal for a diarrhea issue. Urine would likely contain bacteria causing a blatter infection. A crushed up bee may provide a good sample for a bee sting remedy.


what  Source substances can be used from the animal:

Any part of the DNA can be used to make an energetic homeopathic remedy. Blood, hair, saliva, urine, fecal matter (and vomit which is not dna). As long as it is living material we can use it.


what substances which affect the animal can be used:

Plants, flowers, pollen, bees, worms, wasps, food, paint, oil, tree sap, cosmetics, bedding material, wood products, mold, lotions and more substances can be used to create an energy remedy to trigger the system.


Compared to the 'old school' forms of homeopathy, substances never have to be diluted. Modern electronics capture and records the energetic signals of countless substances, and imprint them into a watery substance within seconds...




If you like more information or, when you are at a distance from me, and want to send samples, please contact me.



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