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we are all Energy

to understand how modalities like flower essences , Homeopathics, gem essences and healing energy work´, we have to come familiair wih the idea that all living things are infused with energy, or life force. We cannot see or touch this energy, but like the air we breathe, it is essential to life.


Throughout history, cultures from all over the world have acknowledged the existence of a Universal Energy Force flowing through all things and brings vitality to them. The human body, animal body, plant, tree and rocks included. It has been given many names. In India it is called Prana. The Far East hold that the universe is a living organism infused and permeated with a rhythmic, vibrational energy called Qi or Chi and in some shamanistic traditions it is described is Chula or Amimu. Today many people refer to it as Spirit or the Life Force.


The concept is not as mystical as it may seem. In the last century it has become outmoded to think of things as solid obects. With the discovery of atoms, physicists in the West have found the fundamental building blocks of the  Universe. Not only Albert Einstein came with the idea that matter and energy are interchangable. App particles can be created from energy, and matter is simply slowed down or crystallized energy. Both the ancient sages and modern scientists agree that everything in life is formed of vibrations.


We are told that vibration is the result of force or energy, concentrated in some mysterious way and caused to vibrate, shake or oscillate at different speeds.  The difference between one object and another is ultimately a question of rate of vibration. It is the number and arrangement of the electron within an atom, and the varied cohesion of atoms into molecules, which go to make up these vibratory differences.


We can say that energy can shift states from one form to another, that, ultimately, that which appears to be solid is actually composed of vibrating particles and molecules.




this also means that 'we' are vibrational beings. We inhabit a vibrational universe. We have the appearance of solidity, but we aren’t  really solid 

As vibrational beings, nothing is concrete. When we experience emotions, those emotions are also made up of energy. Emotions are just energy in motion. When we repress our emotions or suppress our emotional content, whatever we are denying accumulates weight, or what I have come to call vibrational density.


This heaviness can take many forms. But in all cases it impedes your spirit’s natural ability to shine. Just as water has the ability to become ice, or to become steam, our energy, too, has the ability to shift states. When we don’t allow our emotions to flow, it’s as if we we’re filling ourselves with cement, and eventually become ill.


In  this manner the energy fields around animals, people and plants were discovered. The bio electrical fields. Fields of life we call them.





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All of the pathways to healing have special interests for us as well as our animals. Practical, energetic, spiritual, scientific and clinical work together to perfect a positive outcome. We are fortunate to be living in an age of advances were complementary medicine that welcomes all forms of healing modalities that can work together in synchronicity. Our passion for our horses and dogs is something we share with people around the world.


The drawings on this site are all a part of the Spirit Hare symbol and is a privat concept.

I had Jake Art do the honours of bringing my hare idea into fruition and Sam Cannon draw the typography.

 The tarot drawings are from Kim Krans. Do not copy or use, unless you have written consent.

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