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 a Hare

to symbolize...

Spirit Hare.jpg

The symbol that I sketched and was created around my work, is a mythical being, a Spirit Hare. an ancient and etherical creature that awakens a sense of wunder in all. he is grounded yet heavenly, practical yet spiritual. Bringing good luck to all who needs it.


The feet of Spirit Hare are grounded in the earth, yet its heart and mind rise towards heaven. Able to be in this or the Otherworld. Hares live in both worlds. Reminding us about the Universal Law and one of the seven principles of Hermes Trismegistus - As above, so below. As within so without. As the Universe, so the soul. It expresses the interconnectedness of all things. The outside world, is a reflection of the inner world. As you transform within, you will transform on the outside. We exist on all planes - on the spiritual, the energetic, and the physical. 


The hare has long been seen as a symbol of magic. His personality is drawn to the supernatural and has a gift for seeing the unseen, knowing the unknown. â€‹He is drawn to the healing arts, as he is sensitive to the subtle and enjoys working on the level of spirit. Bringing clarity and with help from the sun can see for miles and miles. Unlike any other animal he 'sees' more than any other animal. And this gift was given to those who came in contact with this mythical being. Bringing healing. Creating new life.

All over the world the hare's energy is widely used. When he connects to the sun, he becomes a creator of the dawning consciousness, whereby the souls contents are brought into the light of day. Giving direct intuitive knowledge for the ones who need it.


When he is companied by a Phoenix and a Unicorn, he is a harbringer of prosperity, abundance and peace. Together with the snake he represents healing, life shifts and new beginnings. Combining all our cardinal points, he bcomes a Ruler of the Four Winds. Connecting the North, with the South and the East to the West. Representing different aspects of Instinctual Life, where all is connected. 

It is said, that only a hare can use the energy of plants, combining it with the energy of planets and the elemental energies of fire, earth, water and air, to make a remedy that will see to your natural healing, rejuvenation and bring protection. It is called the Herbs of Immortality in Chinese cultures.





Spirit Hare is a symbol of true alchemy, for all elements of life have a spiritual aspect and a material one. When we remember this, all manner of miracles, manifestations and healing are possible.



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