I channel Nature * work with animals * I light heal.
I see my work not as ´work´, just like I see animals not as
´animals´. I ´see´ them as Source beings. I see their 'light'.
And I am simply here to share my gift. I channel. I light heal.
I work in a metaphysical and shamanic way with them
and use the energies from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs, homeopathy and more. To create a different
path to healing. A Source based one. As we are
all made from it. Feel free to read further...
I Channel, I heal
our inner light flow, our nature
Soul Communication with Animals
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'

Sun of Mar
Sun of Mar
A Divinely Inspired Animal Practice
& intuition

As a practisioner I've always felt it is important to get to know the energy and frequency of as many essencess possible, so to understand their effects and healing power. Choosing an essence or remedy or selecting a plant/herb, crystal, should not only be by intellectual means alone. My first principle is to be free of any preconceived ideas and approach with the intuitive mind.
Muscle Testing
Another method of diagosis is the muscle testing or Applied Kinesiology as applied in physiotherapy. Muscle testing corresponds to and registers the biological deefback from the body. This test needs e certian kind of intuition and sensitivity in order to read the muscular reactions. Every muscle correponds with a certain part of the bdy, or organ, which connects to a certain emotion and/or meridian structure.
Pulse testing
Originating from Chinese medicine, pulse testing is a kind of diagnosis skill that works with the sensitivity of the fingertips.
Our body reacts to different substances when in contact with them, so functioning as an internal pendulum, which verifies the certain essences or remedies to be the correct ones.
Channeling is a way to receive 'messages' from a soul level, in a non-lineair way of communicating. It can give us extra information about the animal on a deeper level and works with the 'higher' energie connections of the animal.
Using a pendulum to dowse for essences is also a possibility. its movements provide answers to the questions and frequencies we ask or put in front of the 'patient' or DNA of the patient. It gives positive and negative responses and is a highly sensitive way to test.