I channel Nature * work with animals * I light heal.
I see my work not as ´work´, just like I see animals not as
´animals´. I ´see´ them as Source beings. I see their 'light'.
And I am simply here to share my gift. I channel. I light heal.
I work in a metaphysical and shamanic way with them
and use the energies from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs, homeopathy and more. To create a different
path to healing. A Source based one. As we are
all made from it. Feel free to read further...
I Channel, I heal
our inner light flow, our nature
Soul Communication with Animals
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'

Sun of Mar
Sun of Mar
A Divinely Inspired Animal Practice
Tears of the Planet

To heal the tears of the planet
Is to heal our own tears
Channeling Animal Kingdom Consciousness through a jaguar. *
So last week a message came through. It was message for the collective, but only allowed to be shared when a sign was given. And this sign came to me this morning, whilst pulling a tarot card which showed me the vision I had seen. It was a copy of what I had seen showing a jaguar surrounded by planets.
The vision was as follows: The message that came through for us as humanity:
Gracefully and slowly a black jaguar showed itself to me. Moving very slowly towards me. Bringing us an elevated state of consciousness. Her white whiskers pierced in the night like silver needles and her green and yellow eyes connected directly with my consciousness. She is the protector of all life in the Amazon. She brings courage and certainty. She is on top of the food chain and never becomes prey. Relishing the abundance of the rainforest, she knows the ways beyond death and is master of the shadows, blending between light and dark, night and day.
She calls upon us. She calls upon you to look beyond what you see. Beyond what everybody is saying. Delivering an invitation to investigate the unknown. To investigate places you have been reluctant to explore. ‘What do you mean?’ I asked.
She showed me 2 planets. A red one, being Mars, and a yellowish one, being Venus. Circling around the sun, showing the connectivity of all things, showing the fire amongst us. But also showing the passion amongst us.
Than she showed me ‘the water'. Not water as we know it, but the emotional ponds of the planets. Big tear shaped waters, and I felt they were capturing the emotions around our planets. Representing the emotional connectivity between the planets. The emotional connectivity with us, and between us.
Before I asked why he showed me this, her answer was already given. I had to translate it for you:
‘If you want to heal the tears of the planets, start with healing your own tears first. Your internal wounds create our wounds. Your emotions affect our emotions, positive and negative. In the field of consciousness there is no separation. In the field of consciousness, all is one. All is connected. Inner worlds, are outer worlds. Nothing is excluded. It is how our planets and the animal kingdom stay balanced and how they have lived together for centuries.
Our planets are not grieving of what has happened. They do not see that ‘something bad' has been done to them. They are grieving because of the loss of connectivity amongst the human species. The loss of connectivity with the true essence of life. Where life in modern realms is seen as purely physical and separate from a greater whole, by nature it is build up out of frequencies and vibrations. Which all inter communicates and interact. There is no difference between the internal worlds and the external worlds. For they are one. There is only one network of consciousness. Our life essence is what connects us all.
Can you explain further? I asked, and the message that came through was.
‘Healing a planet does not start by healing the outer planet, it’s shell, It starts with healing the inner planet, it's core. Also meaning your own inner planet. Your inner landscape. The humans and animals who live on Gaia and connect with her via her consciousness network. The holes and fires are a reflection of our inner emptiness and hurt and pain, our wounds and inner struggles.
The animal kingdom is here to raise consciousness. To be a mirror. Creating an obstacle and being a trigger for humans to face themselves within. Within their hearts. And if internal shifts are made, external shifts will be seen. Planetary shifts from Mars and Venus help with these specific heart matters, these inner shifts. Solar and moon eclipses, help us eclipse ourselves and tune into higher vibrations. New moons helps us to shift out old wounds and toxicity. And full moons help us to create new cycles and new beginnings.
You can use the instincts of the jaguar. It’s time to come out of the shadow and end shadow games. What toxicity in your life, needs to be released? What is ready to let go ? The jaguar is here to heal fear so you can allow it to go. To let the internal war and boiled up heat go. Recover your natural instincts...
This ended the message and away she was.
Take whatever resonates and you feel called upon to do.