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All of our Nature

is a pathway to Otherworlds

soul friend, spiritual nurse, soul mate, deep compassion

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to be beyond your skin

Working with the wonderful elemental energies of nature

healing modalities

I Channel, I heal

our inner light flow, our nature


They told me to not hold back

and show, heal and teach


Light master 12:7-8


a gift of

'The Same'


'as we are The Same'

may all beings be well and happy

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'the Same'

I Channel, I heal, I seefeel

'the Same Nature'

Dare to Sundream


'The Same light'

'The Same Sun'

 my light

 My Light Inspired mastery

noting is seperate, we are 'the Same'

wisdom of a Yellow Sun

Divinely Inspired Mastery


I channel nature, Work with Animals, I Light Heal
As I channel, as I heal, I 'see-feel' the energies of the living

beings that I work with. I attune to their light frequencies.
In a metaphysical and shamanic way I use the energies

from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs, homeopathy

and more. To create a different path to healing.

A Source based one. Feel free to read further... 

Divinely inspired Veterinature healing for body & spirit

A Divinely inspired Veterinature practice for healing body & spirit

I channel nature, Work with Animals, I Light Heal
As I heal, as I channel, I attune to the ´frequencies´ of the

animals that I work with. In a metaphysical and shamanic

way I use the energies from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs, homeopathics and more. To create a different

path to healing and balance. A natural Source

based one. Feel free to read further... 


seeing Otherworlds through plants, flowers, crystals, animals


(the) skins of your soul (are the) pathways to (your) nature

seeing the animal from within and without

from myskin to your skin

we are all Energy


Homeopathic energy


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working with elemental energies

follow the wonderful ways of nature


Working with nature´s wonderful energy fields


an integrative heart- and nature-centered appraoch to animal physiotherapy

bountiful protection Goddess 


using the wonderful ways of nature to heal


attuning to all elemental energies of nature


attuning to all elemental energies of nature

more about and for your nature

more sk´in´ nature´

more for your nature

a veterinature approach in healing

All of Nature  is a doorway

to the Otherworld.

We can connect to it 

as we are a part of it.


from my nature to your nature

the skins of our soul

are the pathways

to our nature

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Spirit Hare Marekin

This inspiration made me take my first step into drawing a mythical being, a hare, having links to the Otherworld of the supernatural. And I started experimenting with energy fields, which also have 'skins-energy fields' we can connect to. 

Our skin is otherwordly, supernatural, exist in fields of energies. seeing beyond the veil of mist, fog, caves, cairns, mounds, hills, lakes and ponds... 


Consious homeopathy, where you be able to instruct your body just like homeopathy tinctures do. and your innate will start to react, and the chemistry of your body will start to react, simply because it hears the instructions from a high consiousness human being, and thats gonna be me. Self healing will be the first ones to try. 

Soul Communication with Animals

Crystal healing
& Gem essences

Marekin Oas Si,

Meaning ´more´, ´fluid´, ´your nature´, ´all is possible´ & ´Otherworld´, the 14th century connected to a world of openness. That our nature has the possibility to be and is Otherworldly, that our nature can connect to Otherworlds, is not excluded and is part of a whole. That ´our nature´ is functioning as a portal and ´our skin´ is more than what we can see or think we know that is scientifically  proven. And all we our surrounded by, all our skins, will provide us and give us our well being.  

> more about Marekin


Marekin is from 2 ancient gaelic words, 'mare', to be fluid, to flow (like water, light or the wind). And 'kin' connects to our nature, our bond, our connections with (our) nature. 

Aos Si is gaelic for the Otherworlds, the Spirits of Nature, (also called the Supernatural).



The Marekin art translates as the flow, the art of ....



Marekin - our Fluent Nature / as fluent as nature

As 'mare' was used in the 1400's as for being fluent, fluid, fluidity, water, streaming, 'Kin' was and is still used for 'family, bond, your nature, our nature, and also what 'can' be in nature. So refering to it's infinite possibilites.

The Celtics saw all as being fluent, not fixed. Believing, feeling and seeing a flow in all that lives. A life energy flow. Making it possible to  grow, evolve, heal, change, connect. And when one sees through our 'solid veil', you see nothing but the flow of energy, in you and around you, and you can connect with all there is. In this world and in Otherworlds (Aos Si).


For those who love animals, the power of (our) nature and nature's wonders, to explore 'Otherworlds', the metaphysical, the etherical and..., feel free to contact me (or my practise), and be amazed and transformed!


As we are nature, we connect to all that is. And as we connect to all, we can create healing on any level.

As we exist out of nature´s energy, living from it, we can connect to all other energy´s in this nature, but also connect with Otherworlds, meaning plants, herbs, crystals and flowers. As they exist from the same energy fields. 



For those who want to see and

feel the flow of our nature, our spirit, is

and have the desire to see where our multidimensionality brings us,) 


(It is where the flow of our nature, our spirit is

kept, in multidimensional worlds. (Marekin Aos Si).

the flow of our nature is connected to, influenced by and balanced through multi dimensional worlds, it is not seperate.

our supernatural multidimensional nature always flows


ma  = mij

re = sungod

kin = nature

Aries -Symbolized by the Ram, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and begins the cycle around the great wheel. This is the constellation used to stream the first ray of Will or Power to our planet. The secret of Aries is the secret of beginnings, of cycles and of emerging opportunity. It is a sign of commencement. This sign is connected to the vibratory activity of the soul and is the sign the initial idea to initiate activity takes form, initiating the cycle of manifestation. Aries is called the Light of Life Itself. "It is the 'searchlight of the Logos, seeking that which can be used' for divine expression.´

Ahau - Yellow Sun, According to the Mayans I am a Yellow sun. A bearer of light. A Sun god. The god of medicine and healing. Sometimes also referred to as  a sunflower. The Ahau embodies universal conciousness. Living by the highest evolutionary sun, Ahau helps to lift up the consiousness of human kind. A great dreamer who opens up doors and holds new visions. With the presence of unconditional love, he radiates divine light. Light we are all made off and all return to eventually. Solar mastery. 
Ahau-Kin is an aspect of the sun god also known as Jaguar Lord. See my jaguar channeling.


For those who love animals, love nature's wonders, 


the power of (our) nature and nature's wonders, to explore 'Otherworlds', the metaphysical, the etherical and..., feel free to contact me (or my practise), and be amazed and transformed!





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I channel Nature, work with animals and I heal.

I work in a metaphysical and shamanic way with the energies of plants, herbs and crystals. Their spirits help me connect to the worlds & energies of your animal and all of nature's beings. Messages can come through and the healing
path begins, mostly combined with hands 
on work, 
homeopathy, crystal healing, herbal 
solutions and
´more from 
nature for your nature´ (Marekin)... 

I channel Nature, work with animals and I heal.

I work in a metaphysical and shamanic way with the energies of plants, herbs, crystals and all of nature´s spirits. Where
I connect
 to the worlds & energies of your animal(s). And
where messages can come 
through and the healing path 
begins. Combined with 
hands on work, homeopathy,
healing lightwork, herbal 
solutions and ´more
nature for your nature´ (Marekin)... 

I channel Nature, work with animals and I heal.

I work in a metaphysical and shamanic way with the energies of plants, herbs, crystals and all of nature´s spirits. Where I
to the worlds & energies of your animal(s). Where 

messages can come through and the path to healing 

begins. Combined with hands on work, homeopathy, 

healing lightwork, herbal solutions and ´more 

from nature beneficial to our fluent nature´ (Marekin). 

Marekin Oas Si,

Marekin is from 2 ancient gaelic words, 'mare', to be fluid, to flow (like water, light or the wind). And 'kin' connects to our nature, our bond, our connections with (our) nature. 

Aos Si is gaelic for the Otherworlds, the Spirits of Nature, (also called the Supernatural).



the art of ....

all as being fluent, not fixed. Believing, feeling and seeing a flow in all that lives. A life energy flow. Making it possible to  grow, evolve, heal, change, connect. And when one sees through our 'solid veil', you see nothing but the flow of energy, in you and around you, and you can connect with all there is. In this world and in Otherworlds (Aos Si).


'Like an encoding shamanic lighthealer, I am sending out the energy of a heart & energy centered approach to the physical well-being of your animal. Feel free to contact me on +44 7741551033'.

. All to increase, healing, balance & well-being. Mine include dietary therapy, exercise, meditation, herbal remedies, massage, physical manipulation, acupuncture, crystal healing.





I channel Nature, work with animals and I heal.

In my (shamanic) practise I work with the energies of plants, herbs and crystals. Their spirits help me connect to Otherworlds. The worlds of your animals and the worlds of nature. Messages can come through me and the

ealing path begins, combined with hands on work,

energy work, homeopathy, crystal healing,

herbal solutions and ´more of nature´ (Marekin)... 

I channel Nature, work with animals and I heal.

As a metaphysician I work in a shamanic way with the

energies of plants, herbs and crystals. Their spirits help

me connect to Otherworlds. The worlds & energies of your animals and all of nature's beings. Messages can come

through me and the healing path begins, combined  with hands on work, energy work,homeopathy, 

crystal healing, herbal solutions and

´more of nature´ (Marekin)... 


Our essence, our vital being, our core, our form is what gives us the connection. 


All is fluent as all is energy, when we attune to it.


All is fluent and everything flows


As we are nature, we connect 

to all that is. All is fluent 

and everything flows, when

we attune to it.


the flow of nature  connects us  to  everything.


all of nature is a doorway to t he divine.


our form, our nature makes us multi dimensional 


Feel welcome to read more about me and my work, enquire and be transformed. My practise enables me to do hands on work on animals (and their owners if they like), perform metaphysical healing arts, create custom made energy remedies, do channelings  and with this  fulfill my life's purpose as a naturopath, metaphysician, reikian  and healer.


let me show you and your animal (your ancient and eternal connection with the earth, with nature, the sun & the moon, and with spirit.) I am here to bring a different form of insight and understanding. To create harmony and balance, for both you and your animal.


let me show you and your animal  a different form of insight and understanding, To create harmony and balance that matches with how your own nature works, flows and heals.



I channel Nature, work with animals, I light heal.

I work in a metaphysical and shamanic way with the energies of plants, herbs, crystals and all of nature´s spirits. Where I
attune to the worlds & energies of your animal(s). Where 

messages can come through and the path to healing 

begins. Combined with hands on work, homeopathy, 

healing lightwork, herbal solutions and more from

nature's light, benefiting the flow of our nature. 

I channel Nature * work with animals * I light heal.

I see my work not as ´work´, just like I see animals not as
´animals´. I ´see´ them as Source beings. I see their 'light'. 

And I am simply here to share my gift. I channel. I light heal.

I work in a metaphysical and shamanic way with them
and use the energies from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs, homeopathy and more. To create a different 

path to healing. A Source based one. Where

messages can come through and it all begins...

Feel free to read further... 


I am here to share with you a gift from Source.
I channel Nature. I light heal. I 'see-feel' the energies of the

animals I work with. In a metaphysical and shamanic way

use the energies from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs, 

homeopathy and more. To show you a different path

to healing. A Source based one. As we are

all made from it. Feel free to read further... 

I channel Nature * work with animals * I light heal.

I see my work not as ´work´, just like I see animals not as
´animals´. I see them as Source beings. I 'seefeel' their energy. 

And I am simply here to share my gift. I channel. I light heal.

I work in a metaphysical and shamanic way with them
and use the energies from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs, homeopathy and more. To create a different 

path to healing. A Source based one. As we are

all made from it. Feel free to read further... 



More than 5000 years ago, Indian holy men spoke of a universal energy. Known as prana, this energy is still seen as the basic constituent and source of all life. Prana, the breath of life, moves through all things and brings vitality to them. The Chinese philosophy Taoism hold that the universe is a living organism infused and permeated with a rhythmic, vibrational energy called Qi or Chi.


I channel nature, Work with Animals, I Light Heal
As I channel, as I heal, I 'see-feel' the energies of the living

beings that I work with. I attune to the same 'frequencies'.
In a metaphysical and shamanic way I use the energies

from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs, homeopathy

and more. To create a different path to healing.

A Source based one. Feel free to read further... 

as we are Nature, we connect to All that is


Source Healing


I seefeel light energy

i am here to share you a gift of Source

in Source we are the same, In Source we can connect

i am here to share you a gift of Source



back To Source

a gift of Source



I Channel I heal

As we are all the same and we are all made from the same. From the same energetic structures of energy & light, I mean. And I can see, feel the energies and light around me. Of every living being that I connect or attune to. In short this means, that whatever your animal feels, I feel. If he has a headache for instance, I have a headache. If he has stifle pain, I have stifle pain. But it also means that I can see him, I can see his stories. Let me try to explain:


and society got  in the way. now due to all life experiences i was able to activate again


In my line of 'work', I approach healing from many levels and I have many sophisticated healing arts from which to draw. But most importantly is, that I always use my naturopathic intuitive background as a  basis.
The practitioner's 'medical' bag can include som many different healing modalities. All to increase, healing, balance & well-being. I include always a physical approach as an energetic one. As we have several light bodies that make up our vital core, I like to look at the emotional, mental and spriritual bodies as well.




For the physical hands on healing I use myofascial release, physical manipulation, massage, infrared therapy, dry needling, floral acupuncturecrystal healing. In most cases I use Kinesiology to affirm the bodies healing blockages.



non physical

When working with the spiritual, astral and emotional bodies, the layers become deeply intertwined. Working with energies makes it diffcult to explain in words, but I will try on this site.
I use TCM, Reiki & Sjin Jin Jitsu, channeling and non-lineair communication. I ´choose´ healing modalities based on intuition, experience and above all what the animal wants/tells us.



Healing tinctures and essences

In all of the above, to assist I can create energy remedies, or make herbal tinctures.  which are always custom made, and based on an energy hair test.



combining the Physical with the energetic, makes the healing process for any living being optimal.


Sunna*Mar is deprived from two ancient words.
'Sunna' is an Old High German/Dutch/Norse word, which means 'light' and later on was turned into 'sunlight'. Whereas 'Mar' was used in Gaelic as to say 'all the same', 'all is simular'. Sunna*Mar represents that 'we are all of the same light, as we are the same as light. We are all made of it. We are light. It is the Source of all that is.


As Mar also means Mastership, for me I am using it for my Mastery in Lightwork. Me being a Yellow Sun and a Reikian it is a part of my nature. Being Master of the Sun, mastering and balancing your light, comes natural to me. Spreading, giving, holding healing light pieces/particals/energy forms, to beings who lost some of their own

along the way...  Light is there always, for all.


Mastering the light. I master the light.


The light is in all off us. 


The light is what connects.


The word Marekin is from two ancient Gaelic words. 'Mare' means to be fluid, to flow. Like the energies of water, light or the wind. Whereas 'kin' represents our nature, our bond, our inter-connectedness with the nature outside ourselves and also on the inside.

And off course Sun is the Source of all there is.

It is the most strongest light energy there is

and we are partially made by it. 

As I am a Yellow Sun I feel a strong

connection to it. 

Marekin*Sun represents

our energy connection with Source.

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Mastering the light. I master the light.


The light is in all off us. 


The light is what connects.


Master of the Sun

healing Gift of Mastery
of Maer

healing Gift
of Maer

Our connection, 

Our connection to light,

Our connection to the sunlight.

It is in you, 

It's in me,

It's everywhere.

It's the same,

It's simular,

For you, for me.

It makes you me,

It makes me you,

It makes us us.

So if I connect to the light,

If I master the light,

If I speak to it,

I connect to you(r animal),

and healing begins.






Maer is about Mastery,

about a moments of Magic, about the Mystical parts of life, about being a Medium sometimes, moving with the energies as they come and go, within another living being. It's about becoming one of them. Becoming The Same as them, and helping to heal them.

 That's the biggest Miracle of all. 




We are vibrational beings. We inhabit a vibrational universe. We have the appearance of solidity, but we aren’t  really solid *

This is a scientific fact. Quantum physics has proven that energy can shift states from one form to another, that, ultimately, that which appears to be solid is actually composed of vibrating particles and molecules.


As vibrational beings, nothing is concrete. When we experience emotions, those emotions are also made up of energy. Emotions are just energy in motion. When we repress our emotions or suppress our emotional content, whatever we are denying accumulates weight, or what I have come to call vibrational density.


This heaviness can take many forms. But in all cases it impedes your spirit’s natural ability to shine. Just as water has the ability to become ice, or to become steam, our energy, too, has the ability to shift states. When we don’t allow our emotions to flow, it’s as if we we’re filling ourselves with cement, and eventually become ill.


In  this manner the energy fields around animals, people and plants were discovered. The bio electrical fields. Fields of life we call them.



Just as plants and flowers are described as being alchemical, so are we *
We as well are a mixture of energies, which makes us unique. Which makes us have our own gifts, which in return give us our own purpose in this life.


Rather than sharing a list of achievements, schools, universities, lists of trainers & clients, rewards, the numerous of animals I have treated, the level of succes I have had, I thought I write down my 'substance and my essence' instead. For all details regarding my background, education & experience, you can always contact me on +44 7741 551033 or email me.


'I am a being of healing, who uses the flow and frequency of Nature, to create flow and balance within the Nature of your animals body.'





'I am a being of 'light' healing, who uses the flow and frequency of nature, to create flow and balance within the nature of your animals body.'




Maer aka mar aka mare. All the same words for more, mastery, water, fluent when looking at it in a different language and from a different perspective. It all means the same. And 'the same'we all have in us. We are all made from 'the same'. The undefinable parts of you, how Source makes us us, how this connection flows through our soul.








Homeopathic energy tinctures are homemade, specified to the need of the animal, and always in combination with a hair energy test.


They can be used for acute, chronic, constitutional, emergency, fundamental, pathological and tautopathic situations.

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All of the pathways to healing have special interests for us as well as our animals. Practical, energetic, spiritual, scientific and clinical work together to perfect a positive outcome. We are fortunate to be living in an age of advances were complementary medicine that welcomes all forms of healing modalities that can work together in synchronicity. Our passion for our horses and dogs is something we share with people around the world.


The drawings on this site are all a part of the Spirit Hare symbol and is a privat concept.

I had Jake Art do the honours of bringing my hare idea into fruition and Sam Cannon draw the typography.

 The tarot drawings are from Kim Krans. Do not copy or use, unless you have written consent.

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