I channel Nature * work with animals * I light heal.
I see my work not as ´work´, just like I see animals not as
´animals´. I ´see´ them as Source beings. I see their 'light'.
And I am simply here to share my gift. I channel. I light heal.
I work in a metaphysical and shamanic way with them
and use the energies from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs, homeopathy and more. To create a different
path to healing. A Source based one. As we are
all made from it. Feel free to read further...
I Channel, I heal
our inner light flow, our nature
Soul Communication with Animals
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'

Sun of Mar
Sun of Mar
A Divinely Inspired Animal Practice